Content: what exactly is it and what are the benefits?

All small business owners know they have to produce content for their business. They know it has benefits for their business and it needs to be created on a regular basis, but often feel overwhelmed by the whole process. It’s easy to see why – often content creation immediately brings to mind large-scale products, such as reports and ebooks – so what exactly constitutes content and what are the benefits? Continue reading “Content: what exactly is it and what are the benefits?”

Creating content that matches your business strategy

You’ve created a business strategy listing a summary of how you want to achieve the objectives and plans you have for your business. But it’s the content you create that will help you reach those goals – so how do you ensure you’re creating content that will actually help achieve them?

Who are you aiming content at?

The first step is to establish who you will be creating content for. You should already have most of this in place as your ideal client profile, but really laser in on your ideal clients, including: Continue reading “Creating content that matches your business strategy”

Content Marketing: what it is and why you need it

Content marketing is something all business needs, whether they’re a large corporation or a solo run small business working from home. But WHY do you need to use content marketing and what IS it exactly?

What is content marketing?

In a nutshell, content marketing is the creation and sharing of media and/or published content, in order to attract and gain new clients. To put it another way, it’s anything you’ve created, that you put out there consistently AND your clients see as valuable and/or relevant to them. Continue reading “Content Marketing: what it is and why you need it”

Liven up your blog posts

Writing blog posts can be such an effort! Coming up with initial ideas may not be so much of an issue, but finding the time to write blog posts AND making them interesting… well that’s another matter. Blog posts don’t have to be boring – and they certainly don’t have to be just a page of text – so use these ideas to liven up your blog posts and get the inspiration and creativity flowing again! Continue reading “Liven up your blog posts”

7 Tips to creating successful auto-responder emails

Auto-responder emails are something small business owners know about, have heard about and know they should have some in place, but often they struggle with actually implementing them. They worry they’ll annoy their mailing list by bombarding them with unnecessary salesy emails or lose subscribers from their lists if they bug them too much.

So how can you set up and maintain a successful auto-responder email sequence? Here are some tips to get you started. Continue reading “7 Tips to creating successful auto-responder emails”

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