Content: what exactly is it and what are the benefits?

All small business owners know they have to produce content for their business. They know it has benefits for their business and it needs to be created on a regular basis, but often feel overwhelmed by the whole process. It’s easy to see why – often content creation immediately brings to mind large-scale products, such as reports and ebooks – so what exactly constitutes content and what are the benefits? Continue reading “Content: what exactly is it and what are the benefits?”

How to work out your keywords

Keywords and SEO, most small business owners worry about them. They hear talk about how their Search Engine Optimisation needs to be ‘spot on’, or they’ll lose rankings and potential clients, as they can’t be ‘found’ on search engines such as Google. But working out your keywords doesn’t have to be a difficult process… if you stop focusing on SEO and start focusing on what you DO know. Continue reading “How to work out your keywords”

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