How a VA can support clients by managing their LinkedIn pages

LinkedIn is another social media platform that can be essential for your business success, but one that also takes up a lot of your time! Handing it over to a VA, so they can support you is a great solution – but how can they manage it and what types of thing can they do on your LinkedIn account? Continue reading “How a VA can support clients by managing their LinkedIn pages”

How to collaborate with your VA on projects

Handing over an entire project to a VA can be hard for any business owner. You want to pass the job over, but may also want to have an input in it, to ensure it’s heading in the direction you want and is being managed effectively. If you have trust issues or struggle to let a project go, collaboration could be the answer you’re looking for.

Collaborating jointly with your VA on a project is an excellent idea. Not only does it allay the issues and struggles you may have over handing an entire project over, it also enables you to have a more hands-on role. But how can you effectively collaborate with your VA on projects? Continue reading “How to collaborate with your VA on projects”

7 Tips for organising a home office

Time management is the key to a successful home office and being organised plays a REALLY big part in how productive you are. If your home office is currently a ‘no go’ zone, it’s time for you to get it organised, as that disorganisation is costing you wasted time and decreased productivity – not to mention the unnecessary stress and anxiety it’s creating. Continue reading “7 Tips for organising a home office”

Can a VA blog on my behalf?

When it comes to your blog content, it can be really time-consuming! You know you need to blog regularly, in order to build your audience, your email list and your tribe. However, finding and creating content for your blog can be a real drag on your time. So should you hire a VA to blog on your behalf? Continue reading “Can a VA blog on my behalf?”

Why should you work with a Virtual Assistant?

As a small business owner, you want to see your business grow – but you also know you can only work the hours you’re physically capable of working. Listen to the gurus and the solution is to stop trading your time for money and create recurring streams of income, but THAT takes time too – and is especially difficult when you’re ALREADY short of time!

In order for your business to expand and grow, you need to start looking at getting in help – and a VA can be both a smart financial investment AND a sanity-saver. So what are the real reasons WHY you should work with a Virtual Assistant? Continue reading “Why should you work with a Virtual Assistant?”

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