Why should you work with a Virtual Assistant?

As a small business owner, you want to see your business grow – but you also know you can only work the hours you’re physically capable of working. Listen to the gurus and the solution is to stop trading your time for money and create recurring streams of income, but THAT takes time too – and is especially difficult when you’re ALREADY short of time!

In order for your business to expand and grow, you need to start looking at getting in help – and a VA can be both a smart financial investment AND a sanity-saver. So what are the real reasons WHY you should work with a Virtual Assistant? Continue reading “Why should you work with a Virtual Assistant?”

7 Great apps for productivity

When it comes to productivity, we’ve never had it so good! With the advent of smart phones and tablets, we can keep working whilst on the move – with our mobile smart phone becoming both our indispensable personal assistant and virtual workspace.

Being permanently on the move can also eat into our working day though, as we juggle both work and personal life, often on a daily basis. Here’s my list of my top 7 great apps, to ensure your productivity is kept high whilst you’re on the go! Continue reading “7 Great apps for productivity”

How to afford a Virtual Assistant

Most solo and small business owners dream of having their own Virtual Assistant (VA). They will lament at how it’s a catch-22 situation – they need the VA, but need to be earning enough to afford a VA. Another common statement is “I’d love a VA… if only I could afford one”.

The benefits of having your own VA are numerous. They include freeing up your time and energy, doing those tasks you hate doing and helping you to cut your ‘to do’ list in half. This is all well and good… but what if you REALLY can’t afford to hire a VA? Continue reading “How to afford a Virtual Assistant”

The art of delegation

There truly is an art to delegation. You WANT to pass a task over to another person, to enable you to free up your time to focus on something else. You NEED to pass it over to someone, as you cannot do everything yourself – however, this opens up a new potential problem… that person may not work how you work or do things in the order you want them to do it in. Continue reading “The art of delegation”

Time Management Strategies For Busy Entrepreneurs

All business owners worry about not having enough time. We all want to achieve the maximum amount of tasks in the minimum amount of time, so how we manage our time is crucial to our success. So what are the options available to us for time management and how can we best utilise our time? Continue reading “Time Management Strategies For Busy Entrepreneurs”

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