Tips for finding your balance between work and life

Did you start the year with great intentions? Did you want to take control of the balance between work and lifestyle? How are you feeling about them, now you’re back into the swing of work again after the Christmas and New Year break?

There are several possible scenarios you’ll be facing, now you’re back at work. Scenario 1: You’re raring to get started on your intentions for this year and have jumped right back into that work saddle. Scenario 2: You started on a high but, now you’re back into work mode, you’ve hit a slump. Scenario 3: You’re wondering how an earth you’re going to do it all.

Regardless of the scenario you’re currently experiencing, you’ll want to ensure you can balance your plans and intentions for work, with your family and home life – so how can you ensure that happens?

Here are my top ten tips for finding balance between work and life.

Tip #1: Your definition of balance is unique to you

Everyone has their own definition of what balance looks like for them. For some, it’s working 5 days a week, for others 3. Balance may look like working from your laptop on a beach, whilst your children run around. For someone else however, it may involve being alone on that beach, so they can meditate and gather their thoughts.

Tip #2: Let go of perfection

Continually striving for perfection just piles on the pressure. You need to let go of perfection and decide that, sometimes, done is good enough.

Tip #3: Learn to switch off

You need to be able to switch off – from work, when you’re at home and from home, when you’re at work. But switching off also involves turning off distractions on both sides of your life too – from social media notifications right through to the TV!

Tip #4: Look after yourself first

You won’t find balance between work and life, if you’re not balanced yourself. Make sure you include exercise each week, as well as time to meditate and centre yourself.

Tip #5: Manage your time

Learn to manage the time you have available. Work with slots of time to ensure a focused, manageable and productive day.

Tip #6: Set clear boundaries

Be clear on what your boundaries are and ensure everyone else knows them too. If you’re looking to work 3 days a week, set that boundary in place and let people know your working hours – and ensure YOU stick to it too!

Tip #7: Be focused

When you’re at home with your family, be totally at home with them. This means no work-related calls or email checking – and no sneaky glances at your ‘to-do’ list!

Tip #8: Get support

No one can do it alone, so get support. You’re a businesswoman, not superwoman – so stop trying to do it all singlehandedly.

Tip #9: Learn to say no

Get comfortable with saying no. It isn’t always easy, but it will save you a lot of stress, upset and blurred boundaries.

Tip #10: Be who you need to be

Who do you need to be, in order to have the work-life balance that you want? Do you need to toughen up with your family or work clients? Do you need to become more of a morning or evening person? What do YOU need to change, to make it happen?

Work-life balance is unique for us all – so what’s your definition of the perfect work and life balance? What one step can you take now, to start claiming the life you desire? Why not share your action steps and definitions, in the comments box below?

Image © alphaspirit/Dollar Photo Club

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