How to afford a Virtual Assistant

Most solo and small business owners dream of having their own Virtual Assistant (VA). They will lament at how it’s a catch-22 situation – they need the VA, but need to be earning enough to afford a VA. Another common statement is “I’d love a VA… if only I could afford one”.

The benefits of having your own VA are numerous. They include freeing up your time and energy, doing those tasks you hate doing and helping you to cut your ‘to do’ list in half. This is all well and good… but what if you REALLY can’t afford to hire a VA? Continue reading “How to afford a Virtual Assistant”

The art of delegation

There truly is an art to delegation. You WANT to pass a task over to another person, to enable you to free up your time to focus on something else. You NEED to pass it over to someone, as you cannot do everything yourself – however, this opens up a new potential problem… that person may not work how you work or do things in the order you want them to do it in. Continue reading “The art of delegation”

How NOT to delegate

It can be really difficult, when you’re working for yourself, to manage everything on your own. Difficult though it seems, we can easily get into the trap of getting used to it… and when it comes to delegating, we struggle to let go and get extra help in.

So if you’ve made the decision to delegate or outsource some of your workload – congratulations on making that decision – but now you need to learn HOW to delegate, as there’s a right and wrong way to delegate! Continue reading “How NOT to delegate”

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