Can a VA manage my social media?

When it comes to hiring a Virtual Assistant (VA), there is one common question that keeps cropping up – what can a VA do for me? Most small business owners are swamped with work and dream of hiring in help – but they don’t know WHAT help they can pass over to someone else! Continue reading “Can a VA manage my social media?”

Why every website needs Google Analytics

Every business owner wants to know how well they’re doing. They want to know if their advertising is working, if customers like what they have to offer and if they are new or repeat customers. These statistics help illustrate how successful the business is, what they need to do more or – along with what they need to alter or do less of.

It’s no different for online businesses. Knowing where your website visitors are coming from, how they find you and what they like about your business is crucial, if you want to continue growing your business – and that is where Google Analytics comes in. Continue reading “Why every website needs Google Analytics”

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